When Life Gives You Lemons

Make lemonade? Yes you could do that…but there’s so much more. According to the International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine, lemons play a defensive role against invading pathogens, including bacteria, fungi and viruses, and it’s a great source of Vitamin C ! As the days get warmer, so do our bodies, and I wanted to share a few ways lemons can help control some side affects that may occur during these warmer months. Here are 3 different ways I’ve been incorporating lemons into my daily routine :

A natural deodorant: I’ve always been embarrassed to say this out loud, but all my life I’ve struggled with body odor. Until one day my grandma suggested I slice lemons and rub them on my kili kili’s aka armpits. The reason why this works is because the citric acid from the lemon juice kills bacteria as well as the odor. There are also some whitening and brightening properties that have worked well.

Lemon and Chlorophyll Water: One of my favorite morning combos. Typically I would do warm water with lemon and honey to coat the throat but since it’s been warmer I like to spice up my water with lemon and chlorophyll. For those who are unfamiliar with what chlorophyll is…it is the substance that turns plants green and healthy. For those who are constantly on the go in the mornings but would still like to consume your greens, chlorophyll has helped with giving me an energy boost throughout the day without the crash and burn.

Deep cleaning the microwave : Slice up the lemons, place them in water either in a microwave safe cup or bowl. Microwave on high for 3 minutes, and remove the lemon water filled dish ware from the microwave with oven mitts to prevent yourself from burning. Grab a paper towel or microfiber towel to wipe down the interior and voila! You got yourself a clean microwave. Magic.

Happy Almost Summer,



Danielle Alexandra