Water Blessings



no Mugen

no Chikara

ga Kori Kotte,


no Daiwa

no Miyo

ga, Nari Natta…

- Dr. Shioya

In English this translates to something along the line of "The eternal power of the Universe has gathered itself to create the world with true and grand harmony"

This Japanese mantra 'The Grand Invocation' is a water blessing promoted by Masaru Emoto for World Peace. Such is its power, it was used to successfully cleanse a polluted lake near Fukushima. Its pure vibration assists to purify our cellular structure, as we are, of course, mostly water.

It is a practice I’ve been incorporating into my current daily routine, singing this to myself as I do anything that has to to with cleaning or purification. Washing hands, taking showers, dips into the ocean, driving in the car when stuck in traffic, or any moment I am trying to clear my head.

I’ve never been one to stay in one place for extended periods of time, that said, I also practice mantra to help keep my own rhythm and continue to strive for consistency in my daily life. Similar to Habits (read my last post), mantra is something that constantly repeats itself, therefore it helps me stay focused and keep my drishti in check.

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